Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Spencer had a very exciting and well earned moment
this month. He was able to go in and have his board
of review for his eagle. He passed with flying colors. We are so proud of him. Nex time you see him, congratulate him.

Welcome Home Dave!!

This last week has been incredible. I have just learned how to start my families blog. We got Dave home on Oct. 25th at about 11:00. (Forever!!! yeah!!!) The ward came by and put flags up that night and had them lit up all night long, it was a great thing for Dave. He loved driving around the corner and seeing the sight of 44 flags all lit up in his honor. I got this picture of Dave the next morning before they came to take them down. He has really missed his bike. We love having him home and we are excited about starting our new life together. He has finished all the credits for his masters degree and only has his final test to be finished. WHAT A MAN!!!

About Me

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I am a very busy mom of 5 boys. I currently have 3 at home and am in school. I love my family so much they are my life! I am working part time at the hospital and going to school to become a nurse right now. I met up with some amazing gals through a friend who love to blog and they have me hooked!